Eleanor is a very sweet and curious almost 4 year old. She has the best smile and loves to laugh and be silly. She is a twin and was born prematurely and spent her first few weeks in the NICU. She met some developmental milestones but was delayed in others so she started early intervention. Eventually when she was 2 years old and a month after losing her Father to leukemia she was diagnosed with autism and expressive/receptive language disorder.
Since her diagnosis she has been in private occupational therapy and speech therapy. She also started preschool where she receives these therapies and also physical therapy. She will likely be starting ABA behavioral therapy soon. Eleanor is very curious and wants to explore new surroundings which causes her to elope and get into unsafe situations. Her difficulties with communication means she doesn't always listen when told to stop. Her autism makes it it even more difficult for her to calm herself and regulate her emotions when she cannot go where she wants to.
A service dog for Eleanor would mean freedom! Freedom for Eleanor to explore while having a wonderful companion to help keep her calm when she cannot go where and do what she wants. The service dog would also mean freedom for her siblings to be able to go places and not have to help so much with Eleanor. It would also bring so much relief to myself their mother to know I have help keeping Eleanor calm and happy which is truly what we all want for her. She is such a wonderful child who absolutely loves animals and I know her service dog will be loved very much by our family!
You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids, 112 East Center Street, Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is for Eleanor