Meet Isaac
Mission: $9,000 Family Fundraising

Isaac is an 11 year old with Autism, Debilitating Anxiety Attacks, Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyslexia. It has been a long road learning that Isaac has Autism but now that we have answers we have learned many things about our wonderful son. He is the youngest of three boys. Like his name, Isaac brings so much joy and laughter to our family.
Isaac’s current school has a therapy dog that he utilizes often to calm down when anxious, to distract him when he begins to feel overwhelmed and to help him over a sensory meltdown. Isaac’s school only goes through eighth grade and we know a service dog will give Isaac independence as he grows and continues on to high school. His school agreed a service dog would benefit Isaac tremendously as he moves on to high school and beyond. Isaac finds such peace around dogs and a service dog will be his constant companion to give him confidence daily and also to help reduce his anxiety.
Daily routine is best for Isaac but even daily things like friends at school, siblings, taking tests, daily frustrations or an unexpected change in routine can be overwhelming for him to handle causing Isaac to have a debilitating anxiety attack or a sensory overload meltdown. As a family we enjoy traveling which can be very stressful for him. Many times family outings and activities are limited or ended abruptly due to Isaac being anxious or having a sensory overload in a new place or being around new people. Even having family over for a holiday or party can be extremely overwhelming to Isaac.
As Isaac enters adolescence, we hope this service dog will be a tool for him to be independent. The service dog will provide Isaac comfort before he loses control of his emotions or has a debilitating anxiety attack. We know the service dog will provide Isaac a much less stressful and more independent life with a dog by his side. A service dog will help Isaac gain a sense of confidence, independence and responsibility that he needs as he grows up. A service dog will change Isaac’s life for the better as he continues to become a teenager and beyond.
A service dog would truly change Isaac’s life and our life as a family. Please consider helping Isaac with the funds needed to provide him this companion to allow him to grow in life. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for being a part of a life changing thing for Isaac.
You can also mail a check or money order to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 East Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is for Isaac