At Ford’s PTA Meeting tonight, a 12 year old boy spoke about a group he has started called “The Big Idea Against Autism”. David, who is a 6th grader, was elected class president of his unit class. He has autism and is legally blind. He wants to raise money for a classmate,Cassidy, who is non-verbal and autistic, to have a service dog.
David prepared a speech and stood up in front of our PTA group tonight. He was very nervous and felt overwhelmed, but he executed his speech very well and was very articulate.
I feel so emotional tonight thinking about this boy. There are so many misconceptions about people with disabilities, but all I could think about was his abilities tonight. He spoke in front of a group and was articulate and brave. Having overcome my own fear of public speaking, I give him props. It took me years of public speaking before I stopped shaking. He has an idea. A really big idea. He’s only 12. It’s a selfless idea. He is smart and he is a rain-maker with all his ideas. Did I mention that he is only 12?
I can’t wait until he announces how he plans to execute his idea. I hope our community stands behind him and supports him like he is supporting his friend, Cassidy. If all of us had a friend as caring as selfless as David in our life, this world would be a better place. It’s time we stop the misconceptions about Autism and think about the person first. Stop the labels. Stop the stereotypes.
Thank you David for touching my heart today.
P.S. Thank you Jacob for coming to support David. You are my other rock star.
-Jenny Cholley
Related Links: Meet Cassidy!
You can also mail a check to:
W.A.G.S. 4 Kids
112 E. Center Street
Berea, OH 44017
Please make a memo that your donation is for David’s Big Idea Against Autism – Ford PTA